The aliens will be very busy in the coming weeks and months. There are roumors that they will visit Denmark then the FAKI festival in Zagreb and the FIAT Festival in Montenegro. In june they are also expected to appear in Ljubljana on the Ana Desetnica street festival and the Kluže festival in Bovec. In August they will be on a “peacekeeping” mission in Israel on the Bat Yam Festival. If you will find yourself in the neighbourhood please do not hesitate to join them!
Nezemeljani bodo v prihodnjih tednih in mesecih zelo zaposleni. Predvidoma bodo v mesecu maju obiskali Dansko nato festival FAKI v Zagrebu ter Festival FIAT v Črni Gori. Junija se bodo najbrž pojavili tudi v Ljubljani na Ani Desetnici ter na festivalu Kluže. Avgusta pa bodo na miroljubni misiji v Izraelu na Festivalu Bat Yam. Če boste v bližini se jim pridružite!