Gledališko druženje brez namena. Skupnostna kontemplacija. Kako lahko brezdelje, dremanje in spanje postane participatorna izkušnja? Eksperimentalni projekt Snooze! je odprta forma. Odprta za vse, kar se zgodi ali pojavi tekom ene noči.
Na začetku vsak obiskovalec namesto stola dobi svojo posteljo. Na koncu je skupni zajtrk ob sončnem vzhodu. Vmes so zvočne kompozicije, srečanja ena-na-ena, kuhanje in natančna priprava zajtrka, metadiskusije, happeningi z odprtim koncem, morda tudi živa glasba. Spanje in dremanje je vključeno v scenarij. Kaj se zgodi, ko se ljudje sprostijo in se uležejo v postelje poleg popolnih neznancev? Zavedati se, da se nekaj dogaja. S tabo in z drugimi. Neke vrste ekstatična vaja v čuječnosti?
Prostor za sanje, zgodbe in kontemplacijo znotraj “cone raztegnjenih pravil”.
Sobota, 27. oktobra 2018 (22:00 – sončni vzhod)
Lokacija: Red Sapata / Tabakfabrik, Linz, Avstrija (obvezne rezervacije)
Snooze !, a theatrical assembly without purpose. Cooperative contemplation. Do nothing, doze and sleep as a participatory experience. The laboratory project Snooze! is an open field. Open to things that arise and happen during a night.
At the beginning, each visitor is offered a bed instead of a chair. At the end there is a breakfast together at sunrise. In between, one-to-one encounters, vocal compositions, cooking and thoroughly preparation of the breakfast, metadiscussions, open-score happenings, possibly live music. Sleep or snooze is included in the scenario. What happens when people relax and lie in their beds next to strangers? To be aware that something is going on. About yourself and the others. A kind of ecstatic mindfulness exercise?
A space for dreams, stories and contemplation, a “zone of stretched rules”.
Saturday, October 27, 2018 (22:00 – 06:00)
LOCATION: Red Sapata / Tabakfabrik Linz (only by appointment)
A co-production of KUD LJUD (SLO) & DIE FABRIKANTEN (AT)
Snooze !, a theatrical assembly without purpose. Cooperative contemplation. Do nothing, doze and sleep as a participatory experience. The laboratory project Snooze! is an open field. Open to things that arise and happen during a night.
At the beginning, each visitor is offered a bed instead of a chair. At the end there is a breakfast together at sunrise. In between, one-to-one encounters, vocal compositions, cooking and thoroughly preparation of the breakfast, metadiscussions, open-score happenings, possibly live music. Sleep or snooze is included in the scenario. What happens when people relax and lie in their beds next to strangers? To be aware that something is going on. About yourself and the others. A kind of ecstatic mindfulness exercise?
A space for dreams, stories and contemplation, a “zone of stretched rules”.
Saturday, October 27, 2018 (22:00 – 06:00)
LOCATION: Red Sapata / Tabakfabrik Linz (only by appointment)
A co-production of KUD LJUD (SLO) & DIE FABRIKANTEN (AT)
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