Kud Ljud se je uspešno prijavil na razpis Evropske komisije (EAC/09/2009 – pilotski projekt za podporo programom ali shemam, ki spodbujajo nadnacionalno mobilnost na področju kulture). Hura!
Naš projekt H.O.M.E. (Houses for Open Mobility Exchange) je bil kot eden od devetih podprtih projektov izbran izmed več kot sto prijavljenih… madona!
Skupaj s partnerji iz Belgije, Švedske, Francije, Portugalske in Slovenije, bomo svoje prakse neformalne samo-organizirane umetniške mobilnosti v naslednjem letu izvajali in razvijali s podporo E.U.
V bližnji prihodnosti bomo vzpostavili tudi internetno platformo preko katere se bodo lahko umetniki, ki jim dogaja delo v javnem prostoru, enostavno in direktno povezovali med sabo. Prazne sobe, postelje, kavči in turbomaksimusi pa se bodo magično transformirali v rezidenčne centre!
V sklopu projekta pa se obetajo tudi “odprte hiše”, večzvrstne umetniške akcije v javnem prostoru, delavnice, mednarodna konferenca in večje količine papirologije…
Več kmalu…
Aha, pa še tole: Izvedba tega projekta je financirana s strani Evropske komisije. Vsebina komunikacije je izključno odgovornost avtorja in v nobenem primeru ne predstavlja stališč Evropske komisije. 😉
Kud Ljud has successfully applied to the call of the European Commission (EAC/09/2009 – for pilot projects to support programs or schemes that encourage transnational mobility in the field of culture). Hooray!
Our project H.O.M.E. (Houses for Open Mobility Exchange) has been selected as one of nine projects supported from more than one hundred applications … Wow!
Together with partners from Belgium, Sweden, France, Portugal and Slovenia, we will carry out and further develop our practices of informal self-organized artistic mobility with the support of the EU.
In the near future we will also set up an Internet platform through which artists (working in the public space) will be able to connect in a simple and direct way. Empty rooms, beds, couches and inflatable mattresses will be magically transformed into residency centers!
So in the coming year “open houses“, artistic actions in the public space, workshops, an international conference and loads of paperwork are all on the agenda…
More soon …
Oh, and of course: ‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’ 😉