Nova premiera!
Kar smo (bili) je glasbeno-plesni dogodek, ki obuja rituale združevanja. Navdih črpa v celonočnih plesih, ki jih poganja hipnotični techno. Ples v takih kontekstih ni zgolj neskončna hoja na mestu, ampak postane družbeno dejanje, ki predpostavlja radikalno sprejemanje različnosti. Kar smo (bili) je povabilo k vzpostavitvi skupnosti onkraj obstoječega jezika. Kar smo (bili) je poziv h gibalni osvoboditvi vseh prisotnih.
Premiera: Poletna muzejska noč – ploščad pred MSUM, Ljubljana, 19. 6. 2021
Mednarodni festival Ana Desetnica, Ljubljana, 3. 7. 2021
9. Ne-festival gledališča zatiranih, Gornji Grad, 5. 8. 2021
Mednarodni festival Ana Mraz, Maribor, 27. 12. 2021
Street Musicians Festival, Srbija (Novi Sad), 27. 8. 2022
Festival Pisana Loka, Škofja Loka, 3. 9. 2023
DJ: Teodor G.
Ples: Nina Vombergar, Grega Močivnik in ostali
Produkcija: Kud Ljud, koproducent: MG+MSUM
Trajanje: 35 min
New premiere!
What we are (were) is a music-dance event evoking the rituals of coming together. It draws inspiration from all-night dancing driven by hypnotic techno music. In such a context dancing no longer means just endlessly walking on the spot, rather it turns into a social activity presupposing radical acceptance of all that is different. What we are (were) is an invitation to establish a community beyond the existing language. It is a call to free all who are present through movement.
On the of June the new musical movement liberation What we are (were) was premiered in front of Museum of Contemporary Arts in Ljubljana.
The »liberation« also happend at:
Ana Desetnica Festival in Ljubljana (3 July 2021)
Non-festival of Theatre of the Oppressed in Gornji Grad (5 August 2021)
Ana Mraz International Festival in Maribor (27 December 2021)
Street Musicians Festival in Novi Sad, Serbia (27 August 2022)
Pisana Loka Festival, Škofja Loka (3 September 2023)
DJ: Teodor G.
Dancers: Nina Vombergar, Grega Močivnik and others
Producer: Kud Ljud; Co-producer: MG+MSUM
Length: 35’
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