Predstava za otroke od 7-15 let in vse ostale


Ali kamen boli?
Kam gre mavrica ponoči?
Kako je nastal svet?

Otroci postavljajo sto in sto vprašanj, na katera ni mogoče enoznačno odgovoriti.
Zato odrasli pripovedujemo zgodbe in z metaforami odgovarjamo tam, kjer ni mogoče zadeti naravnost, z vsakdanjo govorico.
Miti naših prednikov nam ponujajo svojevrstne odgovore, ne dogmatične ali dokončne, temveč takšne, ki kot poetične zagonetke burio domišljijo in porajajo nova vprašanja.

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Predstava govori tako o nastanku kot tudi o koncu sveta, tako o pisanih izvornih mitih različnih kultur kot o potencialu ekološke katastrofe, ki jo povzroča sodobno človeštvo. Na pot skozi svetovno zakladnico zgodb nas bo popeljala Tetka Zemlja, ki pa je v zadnjih 100 letih hudo zbolela in potrebuje našo pomoč.

Režija: Vida Cerkvenik Bren
Igra: Grega Močivnik
Živa glasba: Thierno Diallo
Vizualna podoba: Urša Centner-France
Dramaturško svetovanje: Jurij Bobič
Zamisel: sodelujoči
Produkcija/koprodukcija: Kud Ljud/MG+MSUM

Predstava je nastala s podporo MZK in MOL/Urad za kulturo
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Performance for children from 7-15 years and the all the others


Does a stone hurt?
Where does the rainbow go at night?
How did the world come to be?

Children ask hundreds of questions, that cannot be answered just in one way.
Therefore adults tell stories and use metaphore to answer where it is not possible to hit
Straight with everyday language. The myths of our ancestors offer peculiar answers, that are neither dogmatic nor final. More like poetic riddles they stir one’s imagination and rise new questions.

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The performance tells the story both of the beginning and the end of the world, as well as od diverse myths of origin and the potential ecological catastrophe, that the modern human species causes today.
The audience will be taken on the journey through the world’s treasury of the stories by Auntie Earth, who got pretty ill in the last 100 years and needs our help.
Come and help her too!

Directed by: Vida Cerkvenik Bren
Performed by: Grega Močivnik
Live music: Thierno Diallo
Costume design and scenography: Urša Centner-France
Dramaturgical consulting: Jurij Bobič
Producer: Kud Ljud
Co-producer: MG+MSUM

The project came to being with financial support from the municipality Ljubljana and the Ministry of culture RS.

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Performance for children from 7-15 years and the all the others


Does a stone hurt?
Where does the rainbow go at night?
How did the world come to be?

Children ask hundreds of questions, that cannot be answered just in one way.
Therefore adults tell stories and use metaphore to answer where it is not possible to hit
Straight with everyday language. The myths of our ancestors offer peculiar answers, that are neither dogmatic nor final. More like poetic riddles they stir one’s imagination and rise new questions.

tetka zemlja_fotka 1
The performance tells the story both of the beginning and the end of the world, as well as od diverse myths of origin and the potential ecological catastrophe, that the modern human species causes today.
The audience will be taken on the journey through the world’s treasury of the stories by Auntie Earth, who got pretty ill in the last 100 years and needs our help.
Come and help her too!

Directed by: Vida Cerkvenik Bren
Performed by: Grega Močivnik
Live music: Thierno Diallo
Costume design and scenography: Urša Centner-France
Dramaturgical consulting: Jurij Bobič
Producer: Kud Ljud
Co-producer: MG+MSUM

The project came to being with financial support from the municipality Ljubljana and the Ministry of culture RS.

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