Rezidenčni projekt v katerem je avtorska skupina Ljud s pomočjo fotografskih in video instalacij, ter z interaktivnim gledališkim intervencijami raziskovala potek časa na centralni železniški postaji v Bruslju.
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Projekt je bil razvit v okviru umetniškega festivala SIGNAL pod okriljem mednarodnega centra za usposabljanje na področju uprizoritvenih umetnosti CIFAS.
Residency project during which the group was researching the passing of time on Brussels central station with the use of photography, video installations and interactive theatre.
This project was developed as part of the SIGNAL festival organized by CIFAS (International Centre for Training in the Performing Arts).
Residency project during which the group was researching the passing of time on Brussels central station with the use of photography, video installations and interactive theatre.
This project was developed as part of the SIGNAL festival organized by CIFAS (International Centre for Training in the Performing Arts).
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