Pozdravljene zmajeljubke in zmajeljubci!

Izbrskajte iz omar svoje pozabljene zmaje in se z njimi odpravite na grad. Grajski zmaj in njegova družina, ki zimo že tisočletja najraje prespijo v skrivnih votlinah grajskega griča, vas namreč ob svoji vrnitvi s poletnih potepanj vabijo na veliko tridnevno praznovanje: Zmajeve dneve…

So it goes!

The INVASION for this year is over.

The Aliens invaded 23 cities in 17 countries. They caused chaos and havoc on the streets of Stockholm, Glasgow, Malmo, Amsterdam, Bergamo , Eke, Imatra, Fossano, Porsgrunn, Viladecans, Sassari, Maribor, Lienz, Jelenia Gora, Vordingborg, Amersfoort, Ourense, Yavne and many others.

They made old people cry in Seoul, they made the KGB worried in Minsk, they climbed the sacred monuments of WW2 in Arkhangelsk and almost got attacked by police dogs, and they made a random guy on a street in Berlin say: “I LOVE this city!”

They were photographed about a million times and as if this wasn’t enough they became the main characters of a comic book.

They PINKED the kids, their mothers, florists and garbage men alike, retired people, immigrants, even civil servants and especially innocent by-standers.  They spread amazement, excitement and the Pink virus all over this green-blue planet.

Not all of them survived this season unharmed. There were broken limbs and sprayed joints, thorns in their feet and bruises on their bodies. There were wild allegations and police inquiries, hospital maltreatments and lousy hotel rooms, but they managed to emerge even stronger, crazier and pinker than ever.

Some of them where even bought and taken home to continue their lives as alien pets! Everything goes when the Pink virus takes over…

They thank you all for being with them in those moments.

Now they will retreat to the vast coldness of outer space, not to rest, oh no, but to prepare for the next season of The INVASION…

… and until they return…

…may the Pink be with you!